Friday 20 April 2012

Time to go home...

I spent the afternoon helping to decant some 4 year old whisky from bourbon casks in to hogsheads (whopping great barrels, 4ft high). John McLelland, the distillery manager kindly gave me a sample to keep (although in a very medicinal looking glass bottle). It tastes wonderful.

I also bought a few bottles, one of which I got Tony, Gavin and John to sign.

Then it was time for some truly awful photos of the three of us, a quick walk around to say goodbye to everyone, and I was on my way.

On the drive back to the hotel I remembered that I wanted to put something on the blog but have kept forgetting. Ever since I arrived on Islay last Sunday I've noticed that people driving in cars wave at me as they pass. At first I wondered if there was something wrong with my car, or that maybe they mistook me for someone else, but I quickly realised that in fact they were simply acknowledging me. It isn't a big wave, and in fact I think some drivers try to be as minimal as possible, barely twitching a single finger from the top of the steering wheel, but it's a wave nonetheless, and a very welcome reminder that this a simple small community of friendly generous people.

Well, folks, that's nearly it for this broadcast. You've been tuned to my Islay Experience, brought to you by the kind generosity of my Lodge guests all the way back in November. I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts, and that you've got a small taste of what it's been like to spend a week here.

It's an understatement to say it has has been a memorable trip, and I think it will take me quite a while to bring all my recollections into some sort of order, with photos and videos galore.

However, I would recommend that next time we meet, if I start saying, "When I was on Islay..." you should stop me and change the subject, otherwise we might be there for some time. Unless, of course, we have some whisky to share...

Hope to see you all soon.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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