Sunday 15 April 2012

Sunday morning

The sun is streaming through the windows, and it's a beautiful clear morning, but I fear it's not going to stay that way. It'll probably be blowing a gale by the time I get on the ferry to Islay.
The B&B was very comfortable, but I couldn't believe the noise the couple were making in the room above me. (Relax, nothing racey). I know the building is a bit old and creaky but it sounded like a heavyweight clog-dancing troupe were practising their finale. I could sense them walking from one side of the room to the other, but it was as if they were jumping each step with enormous feet.
Unfortunately, when the couple came down to breakfast, I saw that the woman did indeed have enormous feet, in 'special' shoes, and enormous legs, too. Not just Manchester-chunky, but medically HUGE.
I'll be carrying the guilt all day. Just so glad I didn't go and knock on their door last night and ask if there was an elephant in the room...
And, so, off to Kennacraig, to catch the ferry to whisky paradise...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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